
Liberia Strategic Agency for Investment & Development (LISAID) is a not-for-profit organization that is committed to Liberia’s reconstruction process in the following areas such as: Education, Construction, Agriculture, Corporate Services, Medical Equipment, and Information Communication Technology (ITC). These sectors of the Liberian society and economy came at a standstill for 14 years during its civil war that started from 24 December 1989 to 24 August 2003.


The education system of Liberia is struggling to come back to its prewar status let alone to come to the level of sub-region’s educational system where there has been stability. Students are not performing in all subjects at expected standard not becuase they are not academically capible to, but simply because the lack of adqquate resources such as libraries and laboratories. Out of 11 subjects administered during 2022 the West African examinations, students performed better in English, Mathamatics and Biology. In order to improve the performances of Liberian students in all subjects, LISAID is committed to building 15 state-of-the-art libraries and laboratories in Liberia’s 15 political sub-division from 2025 to 2040 with an estimated value of 52.5M.


LISAID is aware that during war, agriculture lands are battle fields and relief supplies takes the place of farming activities. The farmers deserted their land and moved to neigbboring countries as refugees, and to safe communities as internally displaced residents. And 14 years of no agricultural activities have taken Liberia’s agriculture sector to heavily relied on importation of staple food and basic vegetables and fruits commodities at a high cost. In order to encourage farmers to get back to the soil, LISAID has procured 100 Acres of Land in Liberia for its agriculural project. This project will attract university students by leasing them agricultural land, tools and equipments free-of-charge for period of 5 years. The agricultural project will begin in 2023. Students will be arranged into a group of 5 and assigned a crop from research purposes to track the productivity rate of the crop, common crop diseases, weather and production time interval of the the crop, and preservation.


From 1989 to 2003 (14) years along the track, construction activities in Liberia were not common due to the civil war. Building were abandoned, some were destroyed due to military activites. In the midst of these, although the birthrate was slower than prewar period, after the civil war, birthrate started to increase and many residents decided to return home. Apart from residents returning home, refugees and migrants as well as expatiates were coming to Liberia after the end of the civil war in 2003. As a result of the huge number of people of returning to Liberia, the real estate sector of Liberia has not being able to meet the demand thereby increasing rental cost simply becuase there are more people willing to pay in the midst of fewer homes. Threrefore, LISAID is targeting the populaton between the ages 25 to 30, particularly iniversity students, and graduates. Costruction of LISAID real estate will be built in the enronment of universities and community colleges as a means of freeing some the overstratched residential buildings and at the same time reducing demand that will drive down rental cost.

Corporate Services:

Corporate services are not only indispensable to economic actitivies, are cardinal components in any post conflict economy. Arguably, Liberia experienced to huge decline in corporate services due to the 14 years civil war. Liberia is still struggling to catch because at the time other economies were introducing new technologies and upgrading to improve efficiency to meet public demand in the corporate services arena, Liberia industries were going backward to machines that were outdated. As a result, corporate service delivery in Liberia is still expericing a huge deficit that are slowing down economic actitivies thereby effecting business activities and productivities. In order for Liberia to improve its corporate services, LISAID will provide a trainings, and siminars to senior university students, and employees. LISAID’s Corporate Service trainings., and siminars expose participants to more than 50 online corporate portals that are conventionally used in sectors such as: health, education, agriculuture, construction and Information Communication Technology (ITC).

Medical Equipment:

Health is a key component for growth and development in fuctioning economies because the more workers are visiting the hospital for maner illneses, the lesser will productivity be for the economy. Liberia being a post conflict economy, there are huge demands on the health sector. In order to reduce the number of workers spending more hours at hospitals and clinics, LISAID is committed to placing state-of-the-art Medical Equipment at manufacturing industries that will be the first respondent centre for workers on site in a mini-clinic setup. Besides, the stationed Medical Equipment ar industrial complxes, LISAID solictes medical equipment that that are mounted ambulances to provide emergency medical services as a result of motor acidents, which is taking lives of many citizens due to long distances from accident sites to the nearest hospital or clinic. This on-the-road medical servies is performed in partnership with existing medical facilities in Liberia.

Information Communication Technology:

The world now in the ‘information age’ that Liberia needs to catch up sooner than later. This catchup can be done in two phases: one- train potential university graduates abroad for at least two years in various Information Communication Technology (ICT) programs through LISAID’s Migration Services and Jimmy Kormon Scholarship Secretariat. This program is jointly implemented with government agencies. The net benefit of the ICT program is to cut down stationery cost, and resources redirected to areas that are less funded in the national budget in Education, construction, Medical Equipment, Corporate Services, and Corporate Services.

Migration Services

The world has become a global village since 1990 and there is no possibility of returning to status quo of issolation, restriction of human movement, prevention of science and techologies, and prevention of, and avoding of diseases, the prolifiration of cultures and civilizations, the conseqences of Climate Change across the globe. In the advant of these changing developments and catastrophies, the human race is bound to adopt and adapt in order to survive. Moreover, transportation, information and technologies have made it much more convinient for migration in the 21st Century. Therefore, LISAID is willing to make its contribution by making migration faster, easier and convinient as a way of combarting human trafficking from the Global South to the Global North.